Stream HTTP Packet Capture Tool Privacy Policy

Last Modified: April 10, 2024

Xiamen Yidong Network Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Yidong Network” or “we”) respects and protects the privacy rights of all users of Yidong Network services. When you use our services, we may collect and use your relevant information. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, store, protect, and use your personal information and clearly introduces how we handle your personal information. This Privacy Policy is related to your use of Yidong Network services, so we recommend that you read it completely to help you better protect your privacy.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, you can contact us through the contact information provided on our platform. If you do not agree with any part of this Privacy Policy, you should immediately stop using our services. By using any of the services we provide, you agree that we may legally use and protect your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

1. Scope of Application

This Privacy Policy applies to our platform services. When you access our platform and/or log into related clients to use our platform services, this Privacy Policy applies.

It is particularly noted that this Privacy Policy does not apply to services provided to you by other third parties. For example, when third parties provide services to you through our platform, the personal information you provide to third parties is not covered by this Privacy Policy, and we are not responsible for any third party’s use of the information you provide.

2. Data Storage

This software emphasizes personal data privacy. All HTTP(S) requests you capture using Stream HTTP Packet Capture Tool are stored locally on your device. Stream HTTP Packet Capture Tool does not connect to any remote VPN servers. By using this software and generating data, you agree to all the terms of this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is an integral part of the software service usage agreement.

3. Data Collection

To ensure the stability of the software, it uses some third-party services, such as Fabric for crash collection and Cloudkit for lightweight data storage. These services will only collect user error data (crash reasons) and necessary device information (device model, operating system version).

4. Legal Terms

Since this software is released globally, you must comply with the laws of your country. Specifically, in China, to maintain public order and social stability online, please consciously adhere to the following terms:

1. Do not use this software to endanger national security, leak state secrets, or infringe upon the legal rights of national, social collectives, and citizens. Do not use this software to produce, copy, and disseminate the following information:
  • Inciting resistance or undermining the implementation of the Constitution, laws, and administrative regulations;
  • Inciting the overthrow of state power or the socialist system;
  • Inciting the division of the country or undermining national unity;
  • Inciting ethnic hatred or ethnic discrimination, undermining national unity;
  • Fabricating or distorting facts, spreading rumors, disturbing social order;
  • Promoting feudal superstitions, obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terrorism, or abetting crimes;
  • Publicly insulting others or fabricating facts to slander others, or carrying out other malicious attacks;
  • Damaging the credibility of state organs;
  • Other content that violates the Constitution and laws, administrative regulations.

2. It is forbidden to use any means to damage the software in various ways.

3. It is forbidden to imitate or copy the software in any form, causing damage to the intellectual property rights of the software.


We are not responsible for the following situations:

  • Any personal information leakage caused by you sharing your user password or account with others.
  • Any personal information leakage, loss, theft, or alteration caused by hacker attacks, computer virus intrusion or outbreak, temporary shutdown caused by government regulation, and other force majeure events affecting normal network operations.
  • Any personal information leakage and any legal disputes and consequences caused by other websites linked to this website.

6. Changes

We may revise the terms of this Privacy Policy from time to time, and such revisions will form part of this Privacy Policy. If these revisions substantially reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy, we will notify you by prominently displaying the changes on our platform or by sending you an email or other means. In such cases, if you continue to use our services, it means you agree to be bound by the revised Privacy Policy.

7. Contact Us

If you have other complaints, suggestions, issues related to minor personal information, or need to delete all access records, you can contact our customer service and personal information protection officer through the following channels:

  • Customer Service Channel 1:WeChat ID: w3cschool66 (working hours: 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM on weekdays)
  • Personal Information Protection Officer: Mr. Wang
  • Contact Number: 173-0602-2364 (working hours: 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM on weekdays)
  • - Mailing Address:
  • Xiamen Yidong Network Technology Co., Ltd. Unit 2104-2, Building 8, Chengyi North Street, Phase III Software Park, Torch High-tech Zone, Xiamen, Fujian Province, China

We will review the issues involved as soon as possible and respond within fifteen days after verifying your user identity.